
John McCain er John Wayne

Washington Post kommentator Richard Cohen har denne ret spidsfindige kommentar om Det Demokratiske Parts manglende appel til hvide mænd. Cohen mener til gengæld at Maverick-senator John McCain (R-AZ) har denne samme mulighed for at tale til den ensomme cowboy som bor inde i de fleste amerikanske(og et par europæiske - but not the french!) mænd.

Richard Cohen skriver bl.a. "Wayne was the quintessential anti-Democrat. Never mind if he was a Republican, which he was. What matters most is that everything he stood for -- from support for the Vietnam War to antipathy to the '60s' and '70s' counterculture -- was in consonance with GOP positions. More important, though, his iconic man-on-horseback image has been adopted by virtually the entire Republican Party. As a boy, Newt Gingrich tried to walk like Wayne. Now the entire GOP does.

You can scan the length and breadth of the Democratic Party and not find any breadth, and no Wayne figure either. It is certainly not Hillary Clinton or Al Gore or John Kerry or Mark Warner. None of them seem to have what it takes to appeal to white, male voters. But if you should happen to be in room 241 of the Russell Senate Office Building, you'll find Wayne galore: pictures of John McCain in various Arizona settings. "

GOP elsker John Wayne og John Wayne elskede Amerika!

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Howdy mister Garby. Bær over med mig, men hvad betyder GOP?

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Grand Old Party (Republikanerne)