
Senator Vitter støtter Rudy

Rudy Giulianis kampagne kunne i dag annoncere at Senator David Vitter (R-LA) vil blive formand for Giulianis kampagneorganisation i Syden.

- Rudy Giuliani has the strong, unwavering leadership and sound judgment we need in this time of war and terrorist threat. His performance under the extreme pressure of September 11th proves he is the determined leader our country needs to face today’s challenges head-on, sagde David Vitter, da han erklærdede sin støtte til den tidligere New York-borgmester

- I believe the Republican Party needs to always be the party of free market economics and reform. Rudy implemented those principles as Mayor of New York by cutting taxes 23 times, making government more efficient and moving welfare recipients into jobs. It’s exactly the kind of conservative reform the federal government needs, konkluderede Vitter.

David Vitter er den første senator der officielt støtter Rudy Giuliani.

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