
Bob Dole skal lede undersøgelse af militærhospitaler

Som svar på skandalen på Walter Reed-hospitalet valgte Præsident Bush, at annoncerere at han har udpeget tidligere senator Bob Dole (R-Kans.) og tidligere sundhedsminister Donna Shalala til, at lede en tværpolitisk undersøgelse af militærhospitaler og den slags.

Bob Dole var republikansk vicepræsidentkandidat i 1976 og præsidentkandidat i 1996 og har hele sit liv været fortaler for bedre forhold for USAs krigsveteraner.
83-årige Bob Dole blev hårdt såret under 2. verdenskrig og var selv indlagt på et militærhospital.

Donna Shalala, datteren af jødisk-libanesiske forældre fra Cleveland, Ohio, var sundhedsminister fra 1993 til 2001. Hun er i øjeblikket rektor for University of Miami.

- The Commission will conduct a comprehensive review of the care America is providing our wounded servicemen and women returning from the battlefield. This review will examine their treatment from the time they leave the battlefield through their return to civilian life as veterans - so we can ensure that we're meeting the physical and mental health needs of all. As this commission begins its work and considers its recommendations, I have also directed the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to lead a task force composed of seven members of my Cabinet to focus and respond to immediate needs.

We have an obligation, we have a moral obligation to provide the best possible care and treatment to the men and women who have served our country. They deserve it, and they're going to get it, sagde Præsident Bush i talen til en gruppe veteraner.

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