
I dag er det 33 år siden...

At vicepræsident Spiro Agnew måtte træde tilbage på grund af en meget kedelig sag om skatteunddragelse.

Fra Wikipedia
"On October 10, 1973, Agnew became the second Vice President to resign the office. Unlike John C. Calhoun, who resigned to take a seat in the Senate, Agnew resigned and then pleaded nolo contendere (no contest) to criminal charges of tax evasion and money laundering, part of a negotiated resolution to a scheme wherein he allegedly accepted $29,500 in bribes during his tenure as governor of Maryland. Agnew was fined $10,000 and put on three years' probation. He was later disbarred by the State of Maryland. His resignation triggered the first use of the 25th Amendment, as the vacancy prompted the appointment and confirmation of Gerald Ford as his successor. It remains one of only two times that the amendment has been employed to fill a Vice Presidential vacancy. (The other time was when Ford, after becoming President, chose Nelson Rockefeller to succeed him as Vice President.)".

På forsiden af Tiem Magazne og ja, det er Agnew til venstre...

Spiro Agnew blev valgt som County Executive, hvilket nok bedst oversættes til amtsborgnester, i Baltimore County i 1962, derefter gik turen til guvernørkontoret i Annapolis i 1966 og bare to år senere valgte Nixon ham som sin runningmate.

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