
Bloggere laver "google-bombs" for at overbevise vælgere

Fremgangsmåden er rimelig simpel. Man finder artikler der er negative overfor en kandidat, så laver man et link der indeholder de mest søgte ord om kandidaten på Google og så får man så mange hjemmesider som muligt til at linke til den som muligt. Resultatet: En Google-bomb.

"Both liberal and conservative bloggers have embarked on plans to manipulate the Google search engine so that negative articles about the candidates they oppose appear near the top, potentially influencing undecided voters.

Liberal bloggers had the idea first. Chris Bowers of MyDD outlined the strategy Sunday. He said the plan involves purchasing "Google AdWords that will place each negative article on the most common searches for each Republican candidate. Simultaneously, I will produce an article on MyDD that embeds that negative article into a hyperlink."

Google er naturligvis ikke begejstrede for at man sådan manipulerer med søgeresultaterne, men en talsmand siger at det er meget svært at bryde Google algoritme, hvilket jo bl.a. ses tydeligt i to nævnte eksempler.

"Before the bombing campaign, a Google search of Sen. George Allen, R-Va., found a Washington Post article about of his alleged racially disparaging remark just below his campaign Web site in ranking. A search of Sen. Conrad Burns, R-Mont., also found mostly negative articles among the top 10 sites anyway."

Det skriver National Journal.

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