
Hvad er politik?

Midt i den danske valgkamp om hjemmehjælp og dankortgebyrer synes jeg det er på sin plads at huske sig selv på hvorfor man laver politik, og den amerikanske senator Evan Bayh, demokrat fra Indiana (The Hoosier State), har bedre end de fleste forklaret det med nedenstående citat fra 2001:

"Governing and politics at their best, are not a political science experiment or
an abstract ideological debate, but a practical undertaking about how to make a
tangible difference in the quality of real people's daily lives. It's not about
small government or large government but about lean, focused, effective
government that is true to our values. It's about translating ideas into action,
about putting our values into practice, about balancing budgets, working with
businesses to create good jobs, putting cops on the beat, and teachers in the

Fortsat god valgkamp:-)

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